“Parent Trigger in Practice: Snapshots From California”
Parent Trigger in Practice: Snapshots From California is a multimedia presentation from Education Week. It gives a short and sweet overview of how it has, and has not, been used in our state.
Parent Trigger in Practice: Snapshots From California is a multimedia presentation from Education Week. It gives a short and sweet overview of how it has, and has not, been used in our state.
Though I’m not impressed with Education Week’s headline, After Divisive Start, Use of ‘Parent Trigger’ Law Matures, its recent article shares some pretty useful info on the parent trigger. I especially liked this excerpt: John Rogers, an associate professor in UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, predicts the parent-trigger law may have run […]
Texas Lawmakers Consider “Parent Trigger” Schools Law is the headline of a recent article in The Texas Tribune. Here’s how it begins: Hoping to prompt parent involvement and quicker turnarounds at struggling schools, Texas lawmakers are considering a controversial policy known as a “parent trigger” law. A state Senate panel heard testimony Thursday on legislation […]
I’m obviously a big fan of Education Week since I’ve been writing a weekly teacher advice column there for the past four years. Even before I began writing for them, though, I was (and continue to be) impressed with its coverage of education issues. However, I was a bit disappointed with their recent article, […]
Last week, another attempt at using the “parent trigger” to take over a public school failed. Here are some articles on the effort: Anaheim parents fail to convert struggling school to charter is from The LA Times. Anaheim school board rejects parent petition to turn Palm Lane Elementary into a charter is from The Orange […]
Here are a couple of interesting new developments on the “parent trigger”: Ohio’s Parent-Trigger Law Has No Takers So Far is from Education Week. I’ve previously written about what was happening in Ohio at Parent Trigger Ready To Bring Chaos To Ohio Schools. Parent-Trigger Law Proponent Ben Austin Resigns From Group He Founded is also […]
The Hechinger Report has a piece on the parent trigger that seems particularly slanted in its favor. That’s a bit surprising to me, since their work is usually pretty objective. However, it does include a very good comment from Barnett Berry from the Center For Teacher Quality: Barnett Berry, founder and CEO of the nonprofit […]
Adelanto Report Card: Year Zero of the Parent Trigger Revolution is from Capital and Main, and paints a devastating picture of life at California’s first and only school that has been initiated by using the parent trigger law. It’s a must-read….. You might also be interested in The Best Resources For Learning Why The Parent […]
Schools in Columbus, Ohio, are bracing for chaos as they become a pilot project for using the parent trigger. The former superintendent (don’t you love it when people make decisions and don’t hang around to deal with the consequences?) offered the city up to the state as a place to experiment. The state has chosen […]
The U.S. Department of Education has granted eight California school district and ill-conceived waiver from No Child Left Behind. Fortunately, our Sacramento district — one of those eight — withdrew from the group earlier this year. The whole thing is doomed to fail. However, at least one good thing has come out of it — […]
State Lawmakers Throttle Back on ‘Parent Trigger’ is an article at Education Week. Here’s how it begins: Interest in the controversial school choice option known as the parent trigger has declined sharply among state lawmakers this year… I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning Why The Parent Trigger Isn’t Good For Parents, Kids […]
Parent Trigger Laws In The States is a report, and chart, from The National Conference Of State Legislatures. It gives a pretty complete explanation and comparison of the different parent trigger laws passed by a few states. Thanks to Alexander Russo for the tip.
I just don’t understand how people who consider themselves progressive here in the United States and, now, in Great Britain can support such a fundamentally undemocratic tool as the parent trigger (where a small number of parents can upend a public institution — read more at The Best Resources For Learning Why The Parent Trigger Isn’t […]
‘Parent Trigger’ School Faces Challenge to Deliver is a new article in Education Week, which also includes the Prezi embedded below:
I’ve previously published two posts on changes the LA School District is applying to parent trigger usage: “L.A. Unified seeks to end confusion and fights over parent trigger law” and Los Angeles School District Approves New Parent Trigger Rules While Legislature Possibly Prohibits Law’s Use Next Year. Somewhat surprisingly, The Los Angeles Times has now […]
Last week, I posted about changes the Los Angeles School District was making in how it implemented the parent trigger law. L.A. Unified seeks to end confusion and fights over parent trigger law is an article in today’s Los Angeles Times that goes into more detail about it.
The Los Angeles Times reports on new rules devised by the Los Angeles School Board to deal with problems in how the parent trigger law has been implemented, and they look pretty reasonable. Ironically, at just about the same time they were making those changes, the California Legislature was passing a bill that would reduce […]
Not content with having one movie about the parent trigger flop, proponents are now unveiling another. We The Parents is a new documentary about the failed Parent Revolution effort to use the parent trigger in Compton, California. Thanks to Alexander Russo, I’ve embedded the video below. Here’s what Variety says about the movie: “We the […]
Parent trigger laws divide communities is the title of a column by California Teachers Association Dean Vogel in USA Today. Here’s an excerpt:
Here are some new articles giving updates on the parent trigger: With ‘Parent Trigger’ laws on the ropes, three overhauled schools reopen in Los Angeles is from The Hechinger Report. First public school seized by parents set to open is from Politico.