Parent Trigger News

I still feel very confident in saying that the “parent trigger” is pretty much dead in terms of having any kind of real influence in the education policy debate, but it does seem to appear to have some dying breathes left. You can read about them here: Adelanto school is targeted in second test of […]

Parent Trigger R.I.P.

Today, The Los Angeles Times published an editorial reflecting on the parent trigger’s lack of success, and described Parent Revolution’s retooling effort: Instead of choosing the schools for a possible parent trigger and engineering the petitions, Parent Revolution now leaves it up to parents to determine whether they want to initiate major reforms and what […]

I Think These Critiques Of Parent Trigger Laws Are Missing The Point…

This week there have been two articles/posts published sharing critiques of the parent trigger law. Once came from Washington Post reporter Jay Mathews, who wrote Why parents can’t save schools. The other piece was in Thoughts On Public Education and shared quotes from a number trigger critics and advocates. Several perspectives in that article and […]

“Legislative Momentum Stalls for ‘Parent Trigger’ Proposals”

Legislative Momentum Stalls for ‘Parent Trigger’ Proposals is the headline in an article today at Education Week. Here’s an excerpt: The momentum behind “parent-trigger” proposals, one of the hottest ideas for overhauling struggling schools, has slowed in statehouses amid political opposition and vexing questions about how those bold plans should be implemented at the local […]

Parent Trigger In The News

As regular readers know, I’m definitely not a fan of the so-called “parent trigger” law (you might want to read The Best Resources For Learning Why The Parent Trigger Isn’t Good For Parents, Kids Or Schools). Today, there were lots of news articles about the status of the parent trigger in various areas. Here is […]

“Another Kind Of Parent Trigger?”

“Another Kind Of Parent Trigger?” is the question asked by parent organizer Leonie Haimson in a tweet she sent out about parents organizing to kick-out a for-profit charter operator of their school and take it over themselves. You can check-out two pieces from The San Francisco Weekly about what happened: VIDEO: San Francisco’s Most Controversial […]

Parent Trigger Update

Mother Jones has just published an update on the parent trigger fiasco in Compton headlined “The Millionaires Behind Charter Schools.” The two most scary pieces of information are that the head of Parent Revolution says he doesn’t have any regrets about how they have handled their “organizing” process there, and that they plan fifteen more […]