Ohio PBS Affiliate Airs Program On Parent Involvement

Pushing Parent Involvement is the title of a recent Ohio PBS program on parent involvement. This is how they describe it: “In Cleveland, teams of administrators are delivering alarm clocks to the homes of chronically truant students. In Michigan, a county prosecutor proposes jailing parents who repeatedly miss teacher conferences. Educators agree that students do […]

My Best Posts & Articles About Building Parent Engagement In Schools — 2009

I’ve been doing a lot of work this year on building parent engagement in schools, including having a book published (Building Parent Engagement In Schools) and starting a new blog called Engaging Parents In School. Plus, I continuing to do the usual work at our school of actually engaging parents, too! I thought readers of […]

Book Update

Building Parent Engagement In Schools, my first book (written with Lorie Hammond), was published earlier this month. You can learn how readers of this blog can get a discount by reading this. You can read two “previews” of the book: One is an article I wrote for Public School Insights in April titled Parent Involvement […]