You Can Subscribe To This Blog By RSS Reader Or By Email

There are two ways you can subscribe to this blog for free so you automatically receive new posts. This way you don’t have to keep on coming back here to check for new content.

One way is by receiving each new post by email (actually, if there are multiple posts in one day you will still only receive one email containing all of them).

You can see the subscribe by email at the top of the left sidebar of this blog. It had been there for a long time, but I just noticed that it had disappeared and put it back.

The other way you can subscribe is by using an RSS feed. This is easy to do. Here’s a guide to using Feedly.  Note that Google Reader is closing on July 1st, so if you’re using that as your RSS Reader you will need to find an alternative.  You might want to check out The Best Alternatives To Google Reader Now That It’s Being Shut Down.

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