Parent Trigger Proposal Defeated In Florida

I’ve previously posted about the parent trigger proposal in the Florida legislature. Happily, the trigger continues its descent into irrelevancy since the Florida bill was defeated today. Here are a few articles about its defeat: Why Florida’s parent trigger bill failed in state Senate is by Valerie Strauss at The Washington Post. Tense fight over […]

Irony Alert – NY Times Announces Parent Trigger Movie The Same Day LA Times Calls It A Disaster

The same day the Los Angeles Times details the disaster of the parent trigger, The New York Times runs an article about an upcoming Hollywood movie about….the parent trigger. Financed and produced by the same people who did “Waiting For Superman,” the movie takes place in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania doesn’t have such a law). One major […]

“Parent Trigger Divides Families” Says L.A. Times

The Los Angeles Times, which certainly can’t be described as an opponent of the so-called Parent Trigger, has just published an article headlined “‘Parent trigger’ campaign divides families at troubled Adelanto elementary school.” After having failed at their first effort in Compton (and dividing the school in the process), the Parent Revolution is at it […]

Parent Trigger News

I still feel very confident in saying that the “parent trigger” is pretty much dead in terms of having any kind of real influence in the education policy debate, but it does seem to appear to have some dying breathes left. You can read about them here: Adelanto school is targeted in second test of […]

Parent Trigger R.I.P.

Today, The Los Angeles Times published an editorial reflecting on the parent trigger’s lack of success, and described Parent Revolution’s retooling effort: Instead of choosing the schools for a possible parent trigger and engineering the petitions, Parent Revolution now leaves it up to parents to determine whether they want to initiate major reforms and what […]