Update On #PTchats On Twitter & Announcement Of New Parent Engagement Video Series

Here’s some exciting news from The Institute For Educational Leadership. I’m just going to reprint their official announcement: Wednesday night #PTchats Every week beginning August 21 at 9 pm Eastern Time , Dr. Joe Mazza (@Joe_Mazza), Penn State Graduate School of Education Innovation Coach and Principal of Knapp Elementary School in Lansdale, PA, will lead […]

This Week’s #PTchat On Twitter — Home Visits

Guest post by Joe Mazza Image credit: media.mlive.com This week’s Parent-Teacher Chat on Twitter focuses on “home visits” made by educators to engage families. Virginia Supt. Dr. Steve Constantino and Iowa Principal JimmyCasas will join us as experienced resources for this discussion. When teachers build relationships with the families of the students they teach, those […]

“Engaging Every Secondary School Family”

Engaging Every Secondary School Family is a useful post by Steve Constantino. Here’s an excerpt: At the secondary school level, the plan to engage families should emanate from the families themselves. Understanding their perspectives and needs and then crafting a plan based on that information helps to make engagement efforts more meaningful and relevant to […]

“Shattering Barriers To Parent Involvement”

“Shattering Barriers To Parent Involvement” is a short, but useful, article that appeared a few years ago over at the National Association of Elementary School Principals website. Here’s an excerpt: Barrier: Lack of true, two-way, respectful partnership communication between parents and school personnel. Solution: Parents know their children better than anyone else and can be […]

“Four Ways to Increase Parental Efficacy”

“Four Ways to Increase Parental Efficacy” is from The Family Linkages Project. It’s short, to the point, and helpful. It’s suggestions include: Promote successful personal experiences for family members. Help family members learn from others and each other. Always offer encouragement, Focus on emotional well-being and stress reduction. I’m adding it to The Best Sources […]

“Parents Describe Why and How They are Engaged in Their Children’s Learning”

Steve Constantino, who is a “must-follow” on Twitter for anyone interested in parent engagement, sent a tweet today about a Karen Mapp-written study titled Having Their Say: Parents Describe Why and How They are Engaged in Their Children’s Learning. Here’s an excerpt: According to the parents, when school personnel initiate and engage in practices that […]

Family Engagement Framework Released By California — Yawn….

I learned yesterday from Steve Constantino that California had just published a “Family Engagement Framework.” The California Department of Education describes it this way: The Framework describes 18 principles that are essential for family and community involvement with the school district. These principles are grouped into five action areas to: (1) help school districts build […]

This Week’s Parent Teacher Chat On Twitter

Guest Post by Joe Mazza: This week’s #PTchat Topic: What is the role of district leadership to promote best practice family engagement in schools?    According to the Harvard Family Research Project (July 2009), school districts must do the following. -Create infrastructure for district-wide leadership for family engagement -Build capacity for family engagement through training and technical […]

Another Reason Why We Need To Be Careful How We Speak To Parents About Their Children

Steve Constantino sent out a tweet about a very interesting study titled The effects of parental involvement on students’ academic self-efficacy, engagement and intrinsic motivation. Basically, it find that making calls home to parents when there are problems with the child at school generally leads to negative parent/child interactions. These, in turn, typically result in […]

The Best Resources On Parent Engagement In Countries Other Than The U.S.

I’ve written quite a few posts about parent engagement in countries other than the United States, and decided to bring together the best resources into one list.You can see all my parent engagement-related “The Best” lists here. Here are my choices for The Best Resources On Parent Engagement In Countries Other Than The U.S.: Parents […]